When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you truly love Me more than these?” “Yes, Lord,” he said, “You know that I love You,” Jesus said. “Feed My lambs.”

Curry Chicken and rice are now being served more often!
Praise God!
This year Cross-stitch will continue to focus on providing the proper nutrients for the children of our foreign missions, while also supporting the needs of our home missions.
Total Cross-stitch budget for 2019=$35,000
1. Indian Orphans $20,000
The Lutheran Mission of Salvation has 16 “orphan homes” with about 300 children residing within. In 2018 it came to our attention that the children within the orphan homes were not getting enough protein in their diets. They were receiving only 1 egg and 1 piece of chicken per week. The children needed more protein in their diet! Cross-stitch championed this effort! A proper balance of nutrients is critical for normal brain development in young children. The government can shut down our orphan homes if they cannot feed the children properly.
For the past 20+ years, Cross-stitch has sent $10,000 a year for the children in order to purchase 2 outfits for each orphan. One for school and one for play. Last year, with your Cross-stitch donations, the extra protein was added to the orphans diet. Please help us continue to provide for these children of God.
2. Jungle School food program $5000
Currently, in the Amazon Jungle, a Lutheran high school has been established. Cross-stitch has been assisting in a food program that allows the students that come from far away villages to have a nutritious meal. Our Lutheran Schools are competing with government schools that are providing 3 meals a day. In 2019 we hope to increase our funds to our Jungle schools so that they can offer the nutrition needed for our students.
3. Home Missions $5,000
The Board for Home Outreach is responsible for 6 Home Missions. Cross-stitch stands ready to assist the missions with some of their upcoming projects.

Grace Lutheran,
Lincoln, Illinois
Grace Lutheran Church, Lincoln, Illinois wants to increase the ability to reach out in their community. They formerly were renting a facility outside of town in an old Route 66 Night Club building. This past year, a church in town came up for sale. The congregation purchased the building and have been doing most of the much-needed repairs and updates themselves. Recently they were able to repair their front

UPDATE: New steps to welcomes visitors!
steps. But now the real work will begin as they increase their outreach efforts in Lincoln and the neighboring communities. With the funds that Cross-stitch has proposed, Grace Lutheran Church will host Outreach events, and advertise to get the word out that they are in town and preaching the Good News and complete renovations.
June 25, 2019 (From the members at Grace-We are so grateful to Cross Stitch and our ELS Board for Home Outreach for helping us make improvements like this!)
Home Missions
•Cristo Rey (Cross-cultural Ministry), Bell Gardens, CA
•Divine Mercy, Hudson Oaks, TX
•Grace, Lincoln, IL
•Hope, Farmington, MN
•Hope, Leander, TX
•Our Redeemer Lives, San Angelo, TX Newest Mission
•Redeeming Grace, Rogers, MN